The Toilet Trials

Nothing makes me feel more cosmopolitan than being able to describe/compare my experiences in different countries.

In 2006, I traversed the globe to China. Rich with history, my fascination never seemed to cease. Especially when I walked into the bathroom of a swanky hotel to find only a hole where the toilet should be. I was confused. Had I walked into the Men's Bathroom? Perhaps it was some kind of alternative urinal. It didn't seem that far fetched. I walked back outside and checked the door. Nope, it was the womens. I looked into the other stalls, praying that this wasn't the only way. My prayers were not answered. That was my introduction to the infamous squat-hole toilet of Asia.

Jumping forward to the present day, nature calls no matter where on the planet you might be. As I saunter over to the nearest WC, I notice the toilette is not what I remember from my last trip here. Apparently, throughout Eastern Europe and Germany, the toilets have shelves. Yes, you lift the lid and there, staring back at you, is a porcelein shelf placed perfectly to intercept your excrement. I read countless travel sites before my trip, why did none of them mention this slightly appalling discovery? I should have been prepared. Not even Doug and Elise had given me the heads up.

See Below:

The purpose of this obscenity? Its quite obvious actually, to inspect-- well, whatever it is that you might need to inspect.

Personally, I don't feel the need to reminisce or spend quality time with my feces. It makes me wonder about what kind of people actually bought these monstrosities. Was it a new kind of technology that people bragged about at dinner parties? I can only imagine something so terrifying becoming popular due to some strange fad or military enforcement. Otherwise, what is wrong with the people of Germany? This takes post-partum depression to a new level. But hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go--that's what adventure is all about right?

For more information about toilet shelves (and other strange German washroom practices) go to:

If you have any thoughts about the fecal fascination of Germany, please leave your comments, I'm dying to hear.

Also, I apologize to my parents for my less than ladylike subject matter. But sometimes, something just needs to be said. :)