
I made a promise to myself, and I feel the need to confess to the masses (or the 3 people who regularly follow my blog). I ate at McDonalds.

It started out so innocent. I was going into the Cathedral in Valencia, but to my dismay the woman handing out audio guides told me that there were no bathrooms inside. She recommended the McDonald's a couple doors down.

I walked in and was bombarded by the scent of salty French Fries. What was I to do? Believe it or not, I held my ground. I went in and out...and into the Cathedral. But an hour or so later, when we finished our tour and I needed to go again. It was too much for me to resist. I ate 9 McNuggets and an order of Fries.

Today, again, I faltered. I just needed to use the wifi (since our Madrid place isn't currently hooked up--the primary purpose of this post is to tell you that...so now you know)...but the pungent smell of nostalgia took me aback. Another order of Fries.

That's it, I promise. Only food I make myself or authentic food. It's no big deal. I can stop whenever I want to.